Bayberry Dental Care

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Digital X-Rays

The advancements in dental technology have now made it easier for dentists to deliver efficient care and diagnoses to their patients. One such advancement is digital x-rays, which are becoming a staple in dental practices all over the country. We at Bayberry Dental Care are always looking to stay up to date with the latest technology, products, and treatments. Digital x-rays allow dentists to look more closely at your teeth than ever before!

A digital x-ray takes an image of your teeth and puts it into an imaging program. With special tools exclusive to this imaging program, your dedicated Tinley Park dentist can take a closer look at your teeth with impeccable accuracy. Digital x-rays emit eighty percent less radiation than a standard x-ray since they are actually sensitive to radiation. This is a great benefit to the patient since the patient is exposed to less radiation. Digital x-rays can be classified as intraoral (inside the mouth) or extraoral (outside the mouth), though intraoral x-rays are the most commonly taken.

Intraoral x-rays allow us to:

- Observe the status of developing teeth

- Monitor tooth health

- Look at the tooth roots

- Find cavities

- Check the health of the bony area around the tooth

- Determine if there are signs of periodontal disease

Are you curious about digital x-rays? For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 708-802-8300. Bayberry Dental Care is located at 8014 W 171st St. in Tinley Park, IL 60477.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Bondings and Fillings

Chipping or breaking a tooth can be very painful. It can also leave the tooth misshapen or with a sharpened edge that could hurt the inside of your mouth. Dental bonding and fillings assist in rebuilding the affected tooth with special materials. We at Bayberry Dental Care are proud to offer both of these procedures to our patients. Your Tinley Park dentist is committed to helping fix your smile when unexpected chips and breaks occur!


Dental bonding restores the natural shape of your tooth by using composite resin matched to your specific tooth color. In cases of accidental damage or minor decay, it is an inexpensive way to restore the look of the tooth to its normal healthy self. Dental bonding can also be used for protecting the roots of your teeth. Receding gums exposing the tooth root allow bacteria in easily, making them more susceptible to infection.


Dental fillings focus more on restorative efforts rather than cosmetic ones since they are stronger and more durable than dental bonding. This method also has a low cost but is the better option over dental bonding in the long run. Whereas dental bonding fixes the outside of the tooth, dental fillings fix the inside of a tooth damaged from decay or breakage. For back teeth, it’s better to use metal fillings so that it can better withstand the force of chewing. 


Do you think your teeth need bonding or fillings? We can check your mouth and determine that for you! Bayberry Dental Care is located at 8014 W 171st St. in Tinley Park, IL 60477. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 708-802-8300.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gum Disease and Cirrhosis

Better oral health can improve overall health. At Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, we’re excited to share news about dentistry with our patients. Recent studies have shown a promising link between combatting periodontal disease and combatting cirrhosis, which we hope will inspire people to take better care of their gums.

When the liver is inflamed for a long time, it risks scarring over and not being able to filter harmful chemicals as well. This is cirrhosis, and it results in inflammation throughout the body and diminished cognitive ability. Cirrhosis and gum disease commonly occur in the same people due to alcohol and smoking, but gum disease is also unusually common in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This prompted researchers to study if the two conditions affected each other.

In a recently published study, scientists compared people with cirrhosis who underwent periodontal therapy to people who did not. They found that people who were treated for gum disease had fewer toxins that impede cognition and more bacteria that reduce inflammation. More research is needed to determine why better oral hygiene would improve cirrhosis symptoms. Scientists have theorized that people without gum disease inhale less disease-spreading bacteria. But if someone is struggling with their health, a dental cleaning is an important step toward recovery.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dental Sealants

When it comes to your kids, you want the best them to have the best dental care. That’s why Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care offers dental sealants for patients. These are easily applied to a child’s teeth to avoid cavity formation. This keeps bacteria from sticking to the teeth’s biting surfaces. It’s a quick and simple process. A tooth-colored acrylic coating is painted onto the teeth, sealing out any bacteria. If you’re interested in learning more, contact our office in Tinley Park, IL.


There is no need for your child to be apprehensive before their appointment. It is completely painless. Dr. Falsey starts by applying the sealant to the teeth. She’ll use an applicator that almost looks like a small paintbrush to brush the material on. Once placed, it forms onto the grooves of your teeth. It then becomes a barrier against plaque and tartar. Food particles won’t have many places to stick to. This is especially helpful for the areas of the mouth that are hard to reach.


The entire procedure takes little time. Sealants are a lifelong investment that keeps your child happy and healthy. They can withstand all everyday functions, including eating and drinking. Your child can wait several years before having sealants reapplied.


Bayberry Dental Care offers family-friendly dental care for everyone. If your child suffers from frequent cavities, schedule an appointment today. Your Tinley Park, IL, dentist, Dr. Kathleen Falsey is available through her website or over the phone. Call 708-802-8300.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Post-Extraction Care

Having a tooth extracted can feel like a scary process. Though complications afterward aren’t common, there are ways to secure a successful recovery. The most important thing is that you follow all post-operative instructions given by Dr. Kathleen Falsey. But just in case you forgot, or are trying to learn more before your procedure, here are some general guidelines for recovery care. Contact Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL, to learn more.


When you don’t follow post-extraction care, you put the entire procedure at risk. You can get an infection or even a dry socket. A dry socket occurs when the fresh blood clot dislodges or dissolves. In simple terms, the clot doesn’t form correctly. Follow these tips for common extraction symptoms. Doing so heightens your chance of a successful recovery.


For swelling, apply icepacks to the outside of your mouth. Do this on and off for about 20-25 minutes. Continue this practice for two days to relieve swelling and discomfort. Your Tinley Park, IL, dentist may suggest warm compresses if the tooth was infected before removal.


It’s normal for bleeding to happen. Keep the area covered with gauze for at least 30 minutes. If bleeding is heavier, hold the gauze down. Another alternative is placing tea bags on the wound. These contract the blood vessels for the clot to set.


Do not talk, drink, or eat for two hours after the procedure. You’ll need to rest for the following day. The blood clots are easily dislodged with vigorous rinsing or using a straw. Otherwise, avoid the area until your dentist tells you otherwise.


Last but not least, watch what you eat. Only drink water and eat soft foods. This includes eggs, pudding, jello, and even softer meals like mashed potatoes. Don’t eat any foods that can dislodge the blood clots, like peanuts, popcorn, and pasta.


Contact Bayberry Dental Care for all your tooth extraction needs. We have the expertise and experience to keep you healthy and happy. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey in Tinley Park, IL, visit her website or call 708-802-8200.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Also called early childhood caries (ECC), bottle mouth, and infant caries, baby bottle tooth decay occurs when a child’s teeth comes into contact too often with sugary snacks and drinks. This includes milk and infant formula. We at Bayberry Dental Care are committed to educating parents about helping their children develop good oral hygiene habits. The earlier good habits are instilled, the more likely children will maintain them through adulthood. 

The complications that arise from baby bottle tooth decay can be as severe as your child not developing speech properly. This is a serious problem since children are essentially sponges, taking in information and constantly learning. Baby bottle tooth decay can make speech development difficult with nasty infections and chronic pain. 

Prevent baby bottle tooth decay by:

- Flossing your child’s teeth after they’ve all grown in

- Brushing your child’s teeth as soon as they start growing in

- Taking your child to regular dentist check ups

- Encouraging healthy eating habits

- Limiting your child’s sugar intake

- Teaching your child how to drink from a cup at six months of age

- Weaning your child off the pacifier

- Wiping your infant’s gums after a feeding

Bayberry Dental Care is located on 8014 W 171st St. in Tinley Park, IL 60477. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 708-802-8300.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

How Sugar Affects Your Teeth

We know it’s not something you want to hear or maybe you’ve heard it a thousand times before. But it’s true, sugar negatively impacts your teeth in a big way. We at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park take pride in educating our patients about the importance of restricting sugary foods and drinks. It would be ideal to cut these out of your diet completely, but we understand that sometimes there’s nothing better than a crisp soda on a hot day. More attention should be paid to, say, how many sugary beverages you drink in a day or week. Is it really adding up? If so, consider restricting your intake for the sake of your teeth.

Sugar easily coats the surface of your teeth and attracts the “bad bacteria,” such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. These destructive bacteria feed on the sugar and disturb the natural pH of your mouth, to the point where the acidity is too much for your teeth. Over time, the enamel on your teeth is broken down little by little. This isn’t so good, since tooth enamel cannot be replaced. Once that natural barrier is gone, it’s gone for good. 

If you can’t give up sugar completely, then consider these tips to fight tooth decay:

- Watch what you eat and drink. Make sure to incorporate healthy options, such as fibrous vegetables.

- Restrict the sugar. Try drinking more water, your teeth will thank you (and so will your body).

- Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing two to three times a day.

- Visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist will be able to take a closer look inside your mouth, monitor anything suspicious, and give your teeth a good professional cleaning. 

Bayberry Dental Care is located on 8014 W 171st St. in Tinley Park, IL 60477. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 708-802-8300.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tips for Tongue Hygiene

So you brush and floss your teeth two to three times a day as Dr. Kathleen Falsey, DDS recommends. That’s great! But did you know that you should also be brushing your tongue? Just as your teeth are covered in food and bacteria throughout the day, so is your tongue. Your tongue has its own nooks and crannies that it could be carrying just as much bacteria as your teeth, creating the perfect environment for bad breath. We at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park have a couple tips to get you on the right track to good tongue hygiene.

We know what you’re thinking, “isn’t my tongue cleaned enough with toothpaste and a good rinse?” Unfortunately, like your teeth need a good scrubbing to get them clean, so does your tongue. That buildup on your tongue is so tough to remove that even mouthwash doesn’t always do the job. If anything, mouthwash successfully removes the top layer of bacteria, but what’s underneath can still thrive. The bacteria can lead to not only bad breath but tooth damage.

Every time you brush your teeth, brush back and forth and side to side on your tongue to remove some of that buildup, then rinse with water. Be careful not to over brush though, it would be very uncomfortable if you broke the skin! Just a gentle yet thorough brushing will do the trick. Some people prefer tongue scrapers, though there is no proven evidence that tongue scrapers prevent bad breath. 

Bayberry Dental Care is located on 8014 W 171st St. in Tinley Park, IL 60477. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 708-802-8300.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Night Guards for Teeth Grinding

Night guards are placed in the mouth to act as a “cushion” during sleep to prevent someone from grinding or gnashing their teeth together. Some people actually do this during the day as well. Grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, damages enamel, wears down teeth, causes jaw pain, and irritates gums. If you think you are grinding your teeth, we at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park can help.

Severe teeth grinding can lead to tension-type headaches and disorders in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), where a clicking noise is heard when you open and close your mouth. Teeth grinding has also been seen in quite a few children. According to WebMD, “approximately 15% to 33% of children grind their teeth.” The first step to preventing teeth grinding is to determine what is causing it. Sometimes a night guard or change in lifestyle is all you need to prevent it.

There are several factors that increase the chances of grinding your teeth:

- Stress and anxiety

- Age (though common in children, bruxism goes away by adulthood)

- Aggressive or competitive personality type

- Psychiatric medications

- Smoking tobacco

- Consuming caffeine or alcohol

- Family history of teeth grinding

- Other disorders such as Parkinson's, dementia, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), epilepsy, night terrors, sleep apnea, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Bayberry Dental Care is located on 8014 W 171st St. in Tinley Park, IL 60477. For more information about night guards or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 708-802-8300.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Flossing With Braces

Don’t make the mistake of thinking your immune to cavities when you have braces. This is simply not the case! Dr. Kathleen Falesy of Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL, stresses the importance of daily dental care. This includes both brushing and flossing. Although flossing can be more challenging with braces, this isn’t an excuse to neglect it. Regardless, everyone should floss at least once a day.


Braces give bacteria unique places to fester. This is mainly due to the fact that these areas are difficult to clean. That shouldn’t be the case. Start flossing after every meal when you have braces. Follow these tips to maintain your dental health.


The main and most important aspect of your braces care-kit is floss threaders. These are small dental devices that move floss underneath the orthodontic wire. They almost look like a plastic sewing needle. Insert the floss through the eye, then move the floss into place. Flossing continues as normal. There are alternatives to this. Floss picks work well too. These appear similar to a normal prong tool, except the two prongs are connected by a thread of floss. These minuscule tools move past your braces and reach your teeth. Gently insert the floss between the teeth. Rubbing against the gums normally, you clean the area of mislodged food. Lastly, a Waterpik is a viable option. These tools shoot a steady spray of water at your teeth. The pressure cleans all trapped material from your teeth. They even have add-ons for braces cleanings.


In Tinley Park, IL, Bayberry Dental Care provides the best dental care around. We cater to all our patients, no matter what! Dr. Kathleen Falsey provides her dental expertise for all. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Dry Mouth

Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care provides quality dental treatment in the Tinley Park, IL, area. This includes the treatment of Xerostomia, commonly referred to as Dry Mouth. This condition makes it incredibly difficult to undertake all everyday tasks. This includes simple things like chewing, swallowing, and speaking. Dry mouth lowers your quality of life while putting your dental health at risk. Contact our office right away if you’re struggling with dry mouth.


Your saliva plays an important role in your everyday life. It’s not just for eating and speaking! It’s necessary for your dental health. Saliva cleans your mouth while removing food debris. Without your salivary glands functioning correctly, you’re at risk for plaque and tooth decay. That’s why it’s important to schedule an appointment with your Tinley Park, IL, dentist right away.


Determining the cause of your dry mouth is the first step. Be forthright with Dr. Falsey about your medical history and current medications. There are over 500 different medications that cause dry mouth. Examine all pharmaceuticals thoroughly, even ones that appear harmless. Dr. Falsey might recommend that you talk to your physician about switching prescriptions. Another common cause is autoimmune disorders. Certain conditions, like Sjögren's syndrome, are known for creating dry mouth. You should also examine any medical treatments you’re receiving. Chemotherapy, for example, is known for causing dry mouth.


Treatment depends entirely on the cause. There are a few general tips for reducing dry mouth symptoms. First, the best way to accomplish this is by reducing your sugar intake. Sugar is infamous for drying out your mouth. Cut back on drinking soda, tea, alcohol, and coffee. Replace these with water. Drinking more H2O keeps your mouth fresh and moist. There are also over-the-counter dry mouth treatments. You can find these at your local supermarket or grocery store. They are available in toothpaste, mouthwash, and gel form.


Bayberry Dental Care is located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Mouthguard Usage

Now that the weather’s hot, Tinley Park residents are having more fun outdoors. But while cycling, skating, or playing sports, it’s important to keep your teeth safe. We know how much effort our patients at Bayberry Dental Care put into maintaining their smiles, which is why we want them to use mouthguards.

When properly fitted, a mouthguard shouldn’t cause difficulty breathing. Sports stores and online retailers offer one-size fits all mouthguards, and these are better than using nothing. However, a more popular option are mouthguards that are softened by boiling and then bitten down on (after cooling somewhat) to perfectly fit the wearer’s teeth. This option is especially appealing to children and people undergoing orthodontic therapy, whose teeth radically shift position in a short amount of time. Boil-and-bite models may be reshaped every month.

Formal sports organizations commonly require participants to wear recently fitted mouthguards. Our office can help you decide whether your current one is providing sufficient protection and is clean enough. Mouthguards need to be cleaned with antibacterial soap after each use and patted dry, as do their containers. They also need to be kept out of extreme heat to avoid accidental warping.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Senior Dental Care

No matter how old you are, practicing good oral health remains an important daily routine. Your teeth, like all your bones, weaken as you age. That’s why it’s important to schedule your bi-annual appointments with Dr. Kathleen Falsey. She can address new dental concerns that weren’t applicable before. This includes the increased chances of gum disease that heightens after the age of sixty. Older patients are also at risk of extraction and cavities. To learn more, contact Bayberry Dental Care. We are located in Tinley Park, IL.


It’s easy to take your good health for granted when you’re younger. Once you get older, it’s important to stay on top of brushing and flossing. If you’re a caretaker or live with an older individual, assist them with their dental care. Remind them to brush and floss. Attending regular dental appointments is also important.


If you or a loved one struggle with brushing, your Tinley Park dentist has some tips for you:


-Invest in an electric toothbrush. These provide thorough cleanings while using less physical force. They are great for patients who struggle with certain physical activities.

-Elongate the handle of the toothbrush. This may seem odd, but it makes a lot of sense! It’s difficult to reach the farther areas of your mouth. You can lengthen the handle using materials found around the house. Many patients use foam or rubber to extend the handle.

-Talk to Dr. Falsey about toothbrushes made specifically for older patients. These products are easier on your teeth while being highly accessible.


We know that dental care can be expensive. That’s why most towns and cities offer elderly dental services through their social services or public health offices. Talk to our staff about creating an affordable treatment plan that works for you.


Bayberry Dental Care is located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit her website or call 708-802-8300.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Benefits of Panoramic X-rays

Proper treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis, which is why we’re proud to offer advanced image testing at Bayberry Dental Care. The Panorex, or panoramic x-ray, is an important tool for investigating the spread of infections, monitoring the integration of implants, and detecting cysts and infections in the jaw bone or sinus cavity. It requires little preparation from the patient, but we want them to know what to expect.

The panoramic x-ray is taken with a circular device that rotates around the patient’s head. No film is placed inside the patient’s mouth; instead they will simply bite on a bite-blocker while the image is being taken. This takes less than twenty seconds. Getting x-rays may not be advisable for a patient who is pregnant, but a Panorex is safe for almost anyone else. Patients will simply need to remove their jewelry, glasses, and any other metal objects from their head and neck and cover themselves with a lead apron.

The image produced by the Panorex is digital, allowing us to use it with our office software to identify problem areas and model future changes, such as the emergence of wisdom teeth. This also allows us to coordinate more easily with a patient’s orthodontist or oral surgeon. The Panorex does not provide a clear view of soft tissues, but it can allow us to detect when a patient needs a referral for more extensive testing.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Gingivitis is so common that many people fail to recognize its symptoms as problems. Lots of people are used to bleeding, swollen gums, and women who are pregnant suffer them at especially high rates. But at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, we provide patients with deep cleanings and protection against gingivitis, relieving them from gum sensitivity.

Gingivitis literally means “gum inflammation” and it usually results from infections in the gum pockets. As plaque builds up below the gum line, bacteria secrete acids that trigger the body’s immune reaction. Progesterone increases the amount of blood flowing into the gums, and during early and late pregnancy, the amount of progesterone a woman produces rapidly increases. With extra blood, the gums become much more sensitive to the toxic enzymes secreted by plaque, making gingivitis likelier. If left untreated, it could progress into periodontitis.

The best way to combat pregnancy gingivitis is to double down on oral hygiene. More attentive brushing and flossing will keep plaque from building up, although overbrushing can injure the gums, too. Ultimately, some bleeding is expected, but you can prevent gingivitis from becoming serious. If you have any questions about your oral hygiene protocol, we’d be happy to provide you with a cleaning and demonstrate flossing techniques. You might also want to try non-alcoholic mouthwash.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What is a Periapical Abscess?

One of our specialties at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park is root canal therapy. This procedure is a means of saving a tooth that has become infected, preventing the patient from requiring an extraction and implant. But if an infection is allowed to go on for too long, the patient will be at risk for one of the most dangerous conditions in dentistry: a periapical abscess.

An abscess is an accumulation of pus, which is a mixture of dead tissue, bacteria, and white blood cells. A periodontal abscess is one that develops in the gum pocket, whereas a periapical abscess forms at the tip of a tooth root where the tooth’s blood vessels exit. Abscesses cause a throbbing pain, swelling, and a foul taste and odor, and are often accompanied by fever. They constitute an emergency and do not go away on their own.

We can safely drain an abscess. We will then carry out a root canal procedure, removing the infected dental pulp and filling in the tooth with a sealant. We will also take x-rays to determine whether the infection has spread. If it has, antibiotics will be necessary. A periapical abscess could develop into sepsis, so don’t wait to come into our office if you are worried you might have a dental pulp infection.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Friday, June 28, 2019

Traumatic Tooth Loss

Nobody ever plans to get a tooth knocked out, which is why it’s important for you to know what to do if it happens. With more people enjoying the outdoors during the summer, dental avulsion (as traumatic tooth loss is scientifically called), is a greater risk, but we at Bayberry Dental Care may be able to help if patients follow this advice.

A tooth that has been knocked out should only be held by its crown, not its root. Ideally, the patient will have an ADA-approved tooth container close at hand in a first aid kit. If not, the next best thing is to rinse the tooth with a sterile saline solution and then place it back in its socket. It may take some care to make sure the tooth is facing the right way. If the tooth cannot be reinserted, the patient may try placing it between their gum and cheek or transporting it in a cup of milk.

A tooth that has been cracked at the root may be impossible to save. Dentists also do not re-insert baby teeth that have been prematurely displaced because they may subsequently fail to fall out when the adult tooth is ready to erupt. If a child loses a tooth prematurely, we may recommend an orthodontic spacer to prevent the gap between their remaining teeth from closing. Also, keep in mind that lacerations to the face should take priority over a lost tooth during an emergency. However, we can often save teeth, and when we can’t, we can provide patients with a temporary crown prior to fabricating a partial denture.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Alzheimer's Disease and Oral Bacteria

If you’ve kept up with your brushing and flossing, you might see some unexpected benefits later in life. That’s the conclusion of several recent studies investigating a link between oral bacteria and Alzheimer’s disease. Patients suffering from gingivitis can expect compassionate treatment at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, but we wanted to pass along this news to inspire our readers to keep up their oral hygiene.

One of the bacteria species that causes gum disease is Porphyromonas gingivalis. It secretes an enzyme called a gingipain that is commonly found in brains and spinal fluid, but is especially common in people with Alzheimer’s. Testing on animals revealed that gingipains destroy brain cells and trigger the production of substances that comprise the neural plaque that disrupts Alzheimer’s patients’ neurological function.

Additional recent studies have shown that P. gingivalis is able to spread from oral infections into neural fluid, including in the brain. Scientists do not expect oral bacteria to be the sole cause of Alzheimer’s, but they say this could be an important piece of the puzzle and are developing new drugs based on this research. We know that Alzheimer’s patients have difficulty maintaining their oral hygiene, and this could create a feedback loop. However, patients may be able to prevent Alzheimer’s from beginning by keeping their teeth clean and keeping regular dental appointments.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Monday, June 24, 2019

Asthma and Tooth Decay

We work hard a Bayberry Dental Care to assist patients with particular dental health needs. If you struggle with asthma, you may be at increased risk for developing caries and other oral infections. With respect and a gentle touch, we’ll teach you how to manage this condition and reverse decay you may already be suffering.

In people with asthma, the throat and nasal tissues are swollen. Due to difficulty breathing through their noses, they may resort to mouth breathing, particularly while asleep. This significantly increases their risk of dry mouth, also known as xerostomia. Saliva doesn’t just make swallowing food debris easier, it also neutralizes the acid that oral bacteria secrete and that is transferred to teeth from drinks such as soda. Keeping the mouth at a neutral pH level also makes it less hospitable to fungus.

A patient suffering from dry mouth may benefit from using artificial throat moisturizers. They can also stimulate saliva production by chewing sugar-free gum and increasing their water intake. While it is inadvisable to stop taking asthma medications without a doctor’s advice, patients may want to ask about alternatives if their medication is causing dry mouth as a side effect. They should also be aware that throat muscle relaxants can open the sphincter to the stomach, allowing acid reflux to occur, and that inhalant medication commonly contains sugars that will need to be brushed off teeth prior to bed.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

Benefits of Sealants

You can be a good brusher, but as long as there are deep natural grooves in your teeth, they’ll be at risk for decay. We highly value prevention at Bayberry Dental Care. To protect our patients from caries, we offer sealants that shield their teeth from decay and deprive bacteria of hiding places.

Our molars and premolars are made up of raised points, called cuspids, with indentations in between. Those indentations can easily get filled up with food debris, and children, in particular, have a difficult time cleaning them. Dental sealants are bits of plastic that are used to fill in indentations, smoothing them out and providing an extra layer of material that acid would have to break through to harm a tooth. They are commonly put on molars and premolars as soon as their surfaces are fully erupted.

The sealant placement process is easy. After brushing the teeth, we’ll apply an etching acid to them that will increase their surface area, allowing the plastic to more easily bond with enamel. We’ll then use a special light to harden the plastic. The sealant is thin enough to allow the cuspids to continue grinding food. Patients with sealants sill have to brush and floss regularly, but they get 80% fewer caries in the teeth that have been treated.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bad Breath and Oral Health

If you have chronically bad breath, there may be more to it than just what you eat. At Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, we are concerned with the relationship between oral health and the rest of the body. Halitosis, or bad breath, could be an indicator of an issue related to oral infection or a condition with consequences for the oral cavity.

When food particles get trapped, the bacteria that consume them give off a foul odor. Bacteria can also eat things we wouldn’t find appetizing, such as nasal drip that lands on the tongue. For that reason, patients should use a tongue scraper each day and brush their tongue along with their teeth. They may also want to try antibacterial mouthwash, which comes in nonalcoholic varieties for children.

Halitosis can also be caused by dry mouth. Saliva neutralizes acid and helps wash away food debris. Medications commonly cause dry mouth as a side effect. Patients should ask their doctor about changing them if this is causing bad breath and caries, but they should not stop taking medication on their own. An autoimmune disorder could cause the salivary glands to become inflamed, preventing them from secreting adequate saliva. Diabetes can also contribute to bad breath due to changes it causes in how the body breaks down chemicals, as well as its suppression of the immune system and diabetic people’s resulting vulnerability to gum disease. This becomes less of an issue when insulin levels are controlled.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Pulp Infections and Staining

Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park offers services ranging from cosmetic dentistry to root canals, and sometimes, patients are in need of both. Most tooth discoloration is due to stains on the outside of the teeth which may be removed with whitening therapies. But when a stain is on the inside, it could indicate something about the health of the tooth’s pulp.

Intrinsic staining isn’t always pathological. It can be caused by exposure to fluoride or tetracycline antibiotics during the tooth’s formation, in which case the tooth can simply be covered with a new veneer. But inflammation or necrosis of dental pulp could be painful to a patient and the infection that caused it has the potential to spread. In these cases, the tooth would look red, purple, or black. We can confirm an infection through tactile and x-ray imaging tests.

We remove infected pulp by performing root canal therapy. After the interior of the tooth has been cleaned, bleach may be temporarily put inside it to combat staining. But intrinsic stains can sink deep into enamel, so we may have to consider other options, such as a new crown or veneer. Regardless, we want our patients to leave with teeth that are not only healthy, but beautiful.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Monday, May 20, 2019

Sensitivity and Enamel

It seemed to take forever for warm weather to arrive this year, but now that it has, ice cream parlors are doing brisk business. Unfortunately, many people suffer from tooth sensitivity and try to avoid things that are too cold (or too hot). Patients at Bayberry Dental Care can count on us to restore their teeth’s integrity, but there are some things they need to understand to maintain their oral health.

The blood vessels in each tooth surround a nerve. Although the outside of dental crowns is made up of hard enamel, between enamel and pulp is a layer called dentin that is made up of small tubes. Heat easily transfers through dentin, so if the enamel is compromised, a person’s dental pulp will be extremely sensitive to heat changes. The roots of teeth, which are normally insulated by gum tissue and an adhesive called cementum, have less enamel.

Enamel may crack, but sensitivity is usually due to changes in its chemical structure. Acid, whether produced by oral bacteria or regurgitated from the stomach, dissolves the calcium phosphate that comprises enamel. A patient can reinforce their enamel by using fluoridated toothpaste and by getting treatments at our office such as sealants and fluoride therapies. But if enamel has lost mass, the cavity will have to be repaired with a filling. Deep cleanings are essential to preventing gum recession and protecting tooth roots.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Arthritis and Gum Disease

If you have pain in your joints, gum disease may be to blame. May is National Arthritis Month, and to help our patients prevent joint inflammation, we at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park want to pass along some important new research into how oral bacteria may be related to rheumatic disorders.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder in which the patient’s immune system attacks their synovium, the soft tissue that lines joints. The synovium thickens in response, becoming stiff and painful. The causes of rheumatism have remained elusive, although we know that smoking and genetics are contributing factors. Synovium and gum tissue share a similar cellular make-up, and scientists were interested in whether they became inflamed in response to similar factors.

Research found that the acid produced by a certain kind of pathological oral bacteria causes excessive deformation of proteins, a process called hypercitrullination. The immune system overproduces antibodies to eliminate the proteins and compromised cells, and the antibodies attack synovium. Scientists have also found some evidence that treating gum disease reduces arthritis symptoms in people with rheumatism, so we hope that our patients won’t delay coming in for their regular deep cleanings.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Inlays/Onlays are partial crowns that are used to restore appearance and functionality to a tooth. If you are self-conscious of your smile, these restorative devices can help. The inlays/onlays attach to the base of your individual teeth. They help when the biting surfaces of your teeth are damaged. Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL., offers inlays/onlays to our patients.


The main difference between a patient receiving an inlay or an onlay depends entirely on the severity of the tooths decay. If a tooths cusp has no damage, an inlay is used. If there is damage, an onlay is needed. Onlays extend onto the chewing surface in order to replace one or more of the cusps. Inlays are just bonded directly onto the tooth.


Your inlay(s)/onlay(s) can be made of porcelain, gold, or composite resin. Porcelain is the most common and popular due to its strength and color. Porcelain blends more with the natural shading of your teeth.


The complete process will take between 2-3 appointments. Dr. Falsey will first remove the decayed areas of the tooth. To make sure that the inlay/onlay will fit, an impression of your tooth will be taken. This will be sent to a dental laboratory to create your restorative device. A temporary sealant will be placed on the tooth in the meanwhile. At your second appointment, Dr. Falsey will remove the sealant. The inlay/onlay will be placed to make sure it fits. If it is, it will be bonded to the tooth.


Bayberry Dental Care is located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Proper Flossing Technique

Many patients neglect to floss regularly or add flossing to their daily dental routine. This is a critical mistake. Flossing is just as important as brushing. Only through flossing can you reach areas of your mouth that your toothbrush cannot. Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care hears a lot of reasons why our patients don’t floss regularly at their bi-annual appointments. Here are a few tips and tricks about flossing that can help you keep a better dental routine.


For many patients, the biggest issue is that they never learned to floss properly. This is an easy fix. When you are flossing, the first step is to take about 18 inches of floss out from the container. Wrap one end around each of your middle fingers. Twirling one finger will pull away dirty floss, with the floss twirling in from the other finger being clean. The next step is to guide the floss gently between your teeth. Try not to snap the floss. This will only hurt you and damage your gums. Once the floss is in, curve it around one of the two teeth in a “C” shape. Tightly hold the floss and slide it up an down. Make sure to do this for all of your teeth.


If you have trouble getting to certain areas of your mouth when flossing, there's no need to give up. Almost all grocery stores and supermarkets sell handheld flossing applicators. These small devices can fit into the tighter areas of your mouth. This allows you to clean them as well. For tight spaces between teeth, consider using a different type of floss. Floss comes in various thicknesses and types. A thinner floss should be able to fit between any teeth.


Bayberry Dental Care is located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Dental Bridges

As people age, their teeth naturally begin to lose their lackluster. A lost permanent tooth needs to be replaced in order to maintain proper alignment of your teeth. Your teeth are needed for speaking and chewing. Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care offers dental bridges. Dental bridges are devices that attach artificial teeth to your natural teeth.


There are two kinds of dental bridges, fixed and removable. Fixed bridges are applied by placing crowns on your natural teeth or by bonding the bridge directly to the natural teeth. Removable or partial bridges are attached with metal clasps to the natural teeth. Fixed bridges are often recommended over temporary because they are more stable.


Dental bridges can help your teeth's appearance and functionality. In terms of aesthetics, a bridge supports your lips and cheeks. Losing a back tooth can also make your mouth and face sink in a way that makes you look older. Bridges correct these problems. For functionality, bridges keep your jaw and mouth from becoming misaligned. Teeth were meant to be in a complete set. When one is missing, the whole distribution of your bite is thrown off. Uneven pressure in your mouth can lead to jaw pain and other issues. Missing teeth can also increase your risk of gum disease.


The attachment procedure takes between 2-3 appointments with Dr. Falsey. At your first appointment, your teeth will be prepared by removing parts of the enamel and dentin. An impression will then be made of your teeth. This impression or mold will be used to create your personalized dental bridge. A dental laboratory will create the bridge and send it back to us.


Dr. Kathleen Falsey is located at Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.

Monday, April 15, 2019

April 2019: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

This April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL., offers oral cancer screenings and information for our patients. Dentists are often the first medical professionals to diagnose oral cancer. Prevention is the key to living a healthy life. If you experience anything new or weird happening in your mouth that lasts longer than two weeks, make an appointment ASAP.


Any new or strange anomalies need to be seen by your dentist immediately. If these issues are reoccurring or have lasted longer than two weeks than it is especially urgent. This is often the first indicator of something more serious. Be on the lookout for these symptoms:


Mouth sores that take over 14 days to heal, a new and strange coloring of the soft tissue, lumps or hard spots in the mouth, especially if they bleed easily, and/or a lump on the outside of the neck.


The symptoms for HPV-cause oropharyngeal cancer often vary from the symptoms above. For these patients, they might experience a sore or hoarse throat, a constant cough, lump on the neck, problems swallowing, and an ache in one or both ears.


The two major risk factors for oral cancer is heavy drinking and smoking. Patients should also be cautious of other tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco. The other risk factor is contracting the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus 16.


Don’t wait to make an appointment if you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms. Your health isn’t worth the risk. Contact Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dental Implants

Bayberry Dental Care, of Tinley Park, IL., offers dental services such as dental implants. Dental implants are replacements for natural teeth that are missing or have been removed. They are a better alternative to dental bridges because other teeth are not affected. Dr. Kathleen Falsey is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile you deserve with our dental implants.


The process for dental implants will take place over a few appointments, spanning over a couple of months. The first part of the process is installing the implant itself. You will be placed under general anesthesia for the procedure. Dr. Falsey will make an incision in the gums, placing the titanium screw into the jaw. After, the gums are sutured shut. The entire procedure itself takes around twenty minutes to complete.


It takes between 3-6 months for the implant to completely heal. During this time the jaw bone will form around the implant in a process called osseointegration. You will be given crowns during the healing process. This will let you continue to eat and speak normally throughout.


Once the implant is fully healed, an abutment is placed. This will serve as the base for your new tooth. An impression is created from this and sent to a dental laboratory. There they will create your permanent restoration. At your final appointment, Dr. Falsey will attach the final restoration.


If you are interested in our dental implant services, or our other services, contact Bayberry Dental Care today. We are located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.



Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Porcelain Veneers

At Bayberry Dental Care, it is our mission to help you achieve the smile you deserve. That’s why Dr. Kathleen Falsey offers porcelain veneers for our clients. Veneers are durable, thin porcelain shells that are placed over your teeth. They can correct issues like stained, cracked, chipped, broken, and gap teeth.


Porcelain/dental veneers take a few appointments to complete. At your first appointment with Dr. Falsey, you will go over and decide on what you want your veneers to look like. There are many different choices and combinations that come with dental veneers. It is often recommended that patients do some individual research beforehand. This lets you get a better understanding of what you want your new smile to be. The two major choices are shape and color. Veneers are offered in rounded and square shapes. Many patients believe that rounded teeth are more feminine, while square teeth are more masculine. This is not at all true and both shapes are available regardless of gender. The other major choice is color. This refers to the shade of the veneers. Veneers are offered in natural to Hollywood levels of brightness.


After you’ve decided on the appearance of your veneers, your teeth will be cleaned in preparation for bonding. Dr. Falsey will then take an impression or mold of your teeth. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory. There they will create your custom made and fit veneers. This ensures maximum comfortability and functionality. It will take between 10-14 days for the veneers to be completed. In the meantime, you will receive temporary veneers. At your final appointment, Dr. Falsey will bond your permanent veneers to your teeth.


To schedule your porcelain veneer appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, contact Bayberry Dental Care today. We are located in Tinley Park, IL. Visit our website or call 708-802-8300 to set up your appointment.



Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is the dental process of enhancing the natural shading and coloring of your teeth. It helps your smile get back its natural lackluster in an easy and painless procedure. Dr. Kathleen Falsey offers teeth whitening services at Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL. If you are interested, contact our office to set up a consultation with Dr. Falsey.


There are many reasons why teeth become discolored. Over time, teeth naturally begin to lose their natural whiteness. Other factors may be affecting your smile as well. Foods that are high in tannic acid, like grapes and tea, can stain your teeth. Cigarettes and coffee are infamous for their negative aesthetic effects on your mouth. For some, cutting back on these items can bring their teeth back to a comfortable shade of white. In other cases, a little extra help is needed. This is where teeth whitening comes into play.


At your appointment with Dr. Falsey, you can discuss various treatment options. The most common whitening procedure is a form of take-home whitening. Dr. Falsey will take an impression of your teeth, creating a whitening tray that is formed specifically to your mouth. This tray is safe for bleaching material and can be used for a week. In the comfort of your home, you will insert the whitening gel into the tray. You will then place this tray onto your teeth. Dr. Falsey will instruct you on how long you should keep the tray on, and how many times a week it should be used. It is usually worn for a few hours during the day or overnight. After you finish the complete treatment, your teeth will be at minimum six shades whiter.


Contact Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL. to learn more about our dental services. To schedule your teeth whitening consultation with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Occlusal Adjustment

If you feel like your jaw is lopsided whenever you bite or close your mouth, then you might need an occlusal adjustment. Occlusal adjustments correct the alignment of the bite, correcting any and all issues you may be experiencing. Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL., is available for a consultation. Together, you will create a treatment plan that best works for you.


A misalignment of the jaw can be caused by loose, shifting, crowded, or missing teeth. This keeps your mouth from closing and meeting correctly. Patients that clench or grind their teeth can find relief through occlusal adjustment too. The result of misalignment is an unevenly distributed bite that creates irregular pressure distribution in the mouth.


At your appointment with Dr. Falsey, she will use x-ray and imaging technology to identify what areas in your mouth need adjustments. A scan of your mouth takes hundreds of pictures of your bite. It marks any irregularities, that are then made known to Dr. Falsey. The adjustment procedure can then follow. The process is relatively painless with minimal discomfort. A fine filing stone is attached to a dental drill. Dr. Falsey uses this upon the indicated areas. Removable mouthpieces are also used, meant to protect the teeth and relax the jaw muscles once completed.


If you are concerned that you have a misalignment of the jaw or need an occlusal adjustment, contact Bayberry Dental care today. Dr. Kathleen Falsey is available by appointment by visiting our website or by calling 708-802-8300.


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Bite Checks

We provide general dental services to whole families at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park and carefully monitor the oral development of our pediatric patients. This National Children’s Dental Health Month, we thought it would be a good idea to discuss one of the less appreciated aspects of the biannual dental check-up: the bite check.

Bite checks consist of visual and tactile examinations. Using our office’s panoramic x-ray machine, we’ll determine whether a child’s teeth are at risk of coming in jumbled or impacted. We’ll also examine their teeth for unusual signs of wear on the enamel. Certain wear patterns could be caused by nighttime teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism, and could be related to jaw pain, obstructive sleep apnea, or temporomandibular joint disorder. We will also feel the child’s temporomandibular joints (the ones connecting the lower jaw to the skull) and ask them to demonstrate closing their teeth together.

If we find evidence of a bite problem, there are a few solutions. A customized night guard can be used to protect teeth from bruxism and keep the child’s airways open at night. Typically, children get their first orthodontic assessment when they’re about eight. Treatment would usually not begin until they’re about eleven, but it could begin earlier if a dental misalignment is already causing problems. A bite check could also reveal whether we’ll need to extract wisdom teeth or a set of premolars to prevent overcrowding.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

New Patient Information

At Bayberry Dental Care, we want our patients to know what to expect during your first visit with us. It is our goal that you feel comfortable with us and allowing us to take care of your teeth.

During your first visit, we ask that you call our office to make an appointment. New patients will have to fill out one-time registration paperwork. The information you will need is your insurance information, dental history, medical history, and authorization for us to use the information you provided. We ask that if you have recently had x-rays taken that they are forwarded to us, if not we will take x-rays during your visit.

When possible, we encourage our patients to use our website as a resource to answer any questions that you may have prior to your first visit. No matter if its implants, cosmetics, or extractions, we offer a lot of different dental care services.

All patients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Be sure to schedule your first appointment with us so we can help make sure your teeth are healthy!

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Cracked Teeth

Breaking a tooth is painful and scary, but at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, help is available. We encourage our patients to wear mouthguards whenever they do something dangerous and to avoid habits such as chewing on ice that could cause a tooth to crack. But accidents do happen, and we hope our patients will remember our advice when they need it.

Teeth are subjected to tremendous force when we bite down. Our molars have wide surfaces to distribute the force and strong ligaments anchoring them, but they can split and their cusps can break off. Smaller teeth are much more vulnerable to breaking or tilting when used for chewing, and they can break from the force of nighttime teeth grinding. If a patient does break a tooth, they should rinse their mouth with salt water and cover the broken section with orthodontic wax or sugar-free gum. (If they have face lacerations, they should go to the emergency room before seeing a dentist.)

If a tooth is only slightly chipped or cracked, we may be able to repair it with bonding. But if a fissure goes deep, we will want to do a root canal procedure to prevent the pulp from becoming infected. When a molar splits, we may want to drill away a bit more material to make room for a partial crown. Full crowns may be necessary for teeth that are severely chipped or cracked, and if a tooth root is cracked, the tooth may need to be replaced. However, we try to save teeth as often as possible, and long-term restorations can be planned after a patient’s immediate needs are cared for.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Saturday, February 9, 2019

Children's Oral Health Care

To have a lifetime of good oral health, it starts with practicing good cleaning habits at a young age. This February is National Children’s Dental Health month that is sponsored by the American Dental Association to promote good oral hygiene for children. At Bayberry Dental Care, we advise our patients to begin cleaning their children’s teeth the day that they develop.

Your children’s baby teeth act as placeholders for their permanent teeth. Tooth decay in baby teeth can create spacing problems for their adult teeth and affect how they talk. When possible, we encourage you to brush your children’s teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste. If your child is too young to allow you to brush their teeth and gums, use a washcloth on their teeth to get rid of any particles and bacteria.

Don’t forget to teach your children how to brush and floss their teeth when they are old enough. The cleaning habits you install in your children increases the chance for years of good oral health.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Post-Extraction Swelling

Are you anticipating getting a tooth removed? There’s probably nothing to worry about. Here at Bayberry Dental Care, we routinely perform simple extractions that leave patients more comfortable and in a better position to care for their oral health in the future. We provide patients with instructions to stay safe and minimize discomfort while recuperating, but we thought it would be a good idea to teach people how to deal with swelling ahead of time.

Swelling prevents harmful pathogens from entering through the socket and makes membranes more permeable to peptides the immune system uses. But normally, the blood will quickly clot, sealing off the empty socket. In the first forty-eight hours after an extraction, the patient may try to minimize swelling by holding a cold pack against their mouth. The pack should be dry and they should use it for no more than fifteen minutes at a time. They should also allow fifteen minutes to pass before putting the cold pack back on.

Usually, swelling peaks within three days of an extraction. After that, a patient may try to speed its reduction by applying hot packs, again using the fifteen on/fifteen off rule. It will take a few days for the swelling to go down completely. Black or white discoloration around an extraction site requires urgent attention, but red discoloration is expected and will fade with the swelling.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, January 24, 2019

Smoking and Pulp Infections

It’s well-known that smoking will stain the teeth and put the smoker at risk for oral cancer. But only recently have scientists started investigating what it does to the inside of a tooth. We’re experienced providers of root canal therapy at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park and we’ve been able to save many teeth that would have otherwise been extracted. But a new study shows that smokers face additional challenges combatting dental pulp infections.

Pulpitis, or dental pulp inflammation, is an immune system response that isolates harmful bacteria. It can be triggered by a dental injury or by an infection. One of the immune system’s core components is the antimicrobial peptide, which is an amino acid that kills bacteria. However, pulp infections often prove difficult to fight, and if they progress, they can cause pain, bad breath, and facial abscesses.

A recent study found that smokers lack antimicrobial peptides in their dental pulp. It was already known that smokers had weakened immune systems and were more vulnerable to gum infections, but now we know they suffer more recurring pulp infections, as well. We will continue to work hard to prevent the spread of pulp infections, but we want patients to understand why smoking complicates their treatment. We also wanted to pass along the researchers’ observation that antimicrobial peptides sometimes grow back after people quit smoking.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


Friday, January 18, 2019

Electric Toothbrush

There is nothing wrong with using a traditional toothbrush to clean your teeth as long as you’re cleaning the right way. When using a traditional toothbrush it is crucial that patients brush their teeth for all two minutes to clean properly. But studies have shown that a large number of people don't clean their teeth for the appropriate amount of time. Dentists at Bayberry Dental Care recommend an electric toothbrush to get the most effective clean possible.

With a traditional toothbrush, there are an estimated 300 strokes per minute while cleaning, compared to the thousands of strokes per minute an electric toothbrush produces. This translates to cleaner teeth with less plaque buildup and gum disease. There are a variety of electric toothbrushes to choose from and a variety at different prices. It is recommended that you ask someone at Bayberry Dental Care to find out which toothbrush is best for you.

Dr. Kathleen Falsey stresses brushing properly is the most important thing, but for anybody who has trouble brushing and is looking for better oral hygiene should consider an electric toothbrush. The electric toothbrush will clean the spots you may miss with your traditional brush and help prevent additional plaque buildup from occurring.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.

Friday, January 4, 2019

When Baby Teeth Don't Fall Out

Are you embarrassed to smile because you’re an adult with baby teeth? We at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park would like to help you. Retained deciduous teeth, or baby teeth, are a somewhat unusual phenomenon, but not all that rare. Treatment will depend on the teeth’s exact position, but we want patients to understand that extractions may be the best thing for their dental health and bite comfort, as well.

Typically, the roots of the baby teeth dissolve as the permanent teeth erupt. There are a few reasons why this may fail to happen, such as if the roots are fused to the jaw bone. But in a lot of cases, the adult teeth simply never develop. The lateral incisors in the upper jaw are the teeth that are likeliest to be congenitally missing. The baby teeth would never fall out if nothing is pushing them, but we can still extract them. After that, we may place an implant to mount an artificial crown or provide the patient with a denture.

Sometimes the adult tooth develops but pushes through the gum line at a different place from its baby equivalent. This most often happens with the central incisors in the lower jaw. As a result, a person could have two sets of teeth. Overcrowding and dental infections would likely ensue, since teeth are very hard to brush when they are jumbled behind each other. After extracting the baby teeth, we would likely refer the patient for orthodontic care.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.