Bayberry Dental Care

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Post-Extraction Home Care

Keeping your mouth clean after an extraction is vital to a healthy and quick healing process. At Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL, we want our patients to be prepared after an extraction. Keep reading to learn about how to take care of your mouth after a tooth is extracted.

The first thing to think about after a tooth has been pulled is getting the bleeding under control. Most likely, you will have gauze in your mouth after the extraction. Keep it in your mouth and change it according to the directions provided by your dentist. In addition, keep away from activities that could promote bleeding like chewing hard food, drinking through a straw, or laying down completely flat. (Prop your head up with an extra pillow for the first night). Eat soft foods for the first day afterwards and bring in harder foods as healing progresses.

Keeping a clean mouth should also be a top priority to avoid infection. Brush your teeth twice per day and floss once, but be careful around the extraction site until healing is complete. Do not rinse your mouth vigorously, as this could promote more bleeding.

For more information on how to take care of your mouth after an extraction, visit our website, To set up an appointment with Bayberry Dental Care, call our Tinley Park, IL office at (708) 802-8300. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Break Those Bad Oral Habits

If you avoid eating cold foods or drinking hot beverages because your teeth are a little tender, it may be time to reflect on your oral care habits. If you have sensitive teeth, Dr. Kathleen Falsey, DDS may recommend dental sealants or fluoride treatments to decrease sensitivity. Sometimes the solution is simply breaking bad habits. If you catch yourself performing any of the following habits, do your best to break them.

  • You’re brushing too hard – over time, if you brush with too much force, you can wear down the protective layers of your teeth and expose the microscopic hollow tubes or canals that lead to your dental nerves. When these tubules are exposed, tooth sensitivity is a result.

  • You’re eating too many acidic foods – If the pathways to your nerves are exposed, acidic foods will leave you in pain.

  • You have tooth decay – If you have tooth decay, it’s easy for bacteria to accumulate in these tiny crevices, which causes acid build-up and enamel breakdown.

  • You’re a tooth grinder – Grinding your teeth can wear down your enamel. This exposes the dentin and causes sensitive teeth.

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, DDS in our Tinley Park, IL office, call Bayberry Dental Care at 708-802-8300.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Tooth Sensitivity and What it Could Mean

Sensitive teeth can really cause some uncomfortable brushing and even eating. Summer is coming up and many of us want to enjoy refreshing drinks and frozen treats. If tooth sensitivity is bothering you, read on to find out why it could be happening. In addition, schedule an appointment with us at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL so we can make sure you do not have a cavity or an infection.

When a tooth does not have a cavity or an infection, sensitivity is often caused by worn down enamel. Worn down enamel exposes the dentin (the center) of the tooth. The dentin contains tiny tubes that lead to the center of the tooth where all the nerves are, so when these nerves are exposed, you can feel them.

To avoid wearing down your enamel, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, plaque comes off your teeth with a light touch, so do not brush very hard. Second, if you grind or clench your teeth, you may want to consider wearing a night guard. We can create a custom night guard for you.

In addition to brushing too hard, you can also be brushing too soon. The acid in our foods softens our enamel, so you should wait at least thirty minutes after eating or drinking anything but water to brush. Also, try to keep unnecessary acidic foods to a minimum and rinse after eating them.

If you have sensitive teeth, you may just need to change some habits. In other cases, it could be a sign of decay. To schedule an examination at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL, call our office at (708) 802-8300 or visit our website,