Bayberry Dental Care

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Ways to Make Sure You Brush Long Enough

In the constant hustle and bustle of life, brushing your teeth can become quick and thoughtless. Unfortunately, this can lead to missed spots or not enough brushing. At Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL, we want our patients to know that two minutes are usually needed for an adequate brushing. Take some of our tips for ensuring you are brushing for long enough!

In order to hit all of the areas in your mouth effectively, you should be spending about two minutes brushing. You will want to brush the chewing surfaces of your teeth, the fronts, the insides, the backs of the back molars, along with your tongue, inner cheeks, and the roof of your mouth. One simple way of keeping track of time is by splitting your teeth into four sections. Brush each section for thirty seconds and then be sure to remember the rest of your mouth!

Music players and phones often have timers or countdowns on them so this makes it easy to make sure you are spending two minutes. Plus, if you use a music player, you can jam out to your favorite tune. It can make for a pretty great morning ritual!

Another way of making sure you are spending enough time is so simple it is right in your toothbrush. There are many electric toothbrushes that come with built-in timers that beep or pause buzzing after two minutes.

Spend enough time brushing your teeth and see results when your dentist tells gives you a clean bill of health! To schedule your next cleaning at Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL, call us at (708) 802-8300 or visit our website,

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