Dry mouth isn’t just frustrating; it also increases the risk of oral infections. At Bayberry Dental Care, we offer treatments for getting this condition under control and preventing the damage it causes, but we want our patients to know why they should seek help.
Saliva helps to keep bacteria from growing out of control by removing food debris. It also provides teeth with an environment in which they can maintain their protective membranes, decreasing the odds of a crack developing through which bacteria could infect their pulp. Many cases of dry mouth occur as a side-effect of medications, but older women are particularly at risk for Sjögren’s disease, which dries out the eyes, as well as the mouth.
Drinks which are high in caffeine, alcohol, and sugar are contributors to dry mouth. Patients should try cutting back on them and chewing sugar-free gum or candy in order to stimulate more saliva production. They may also need to buy throat moisturizers as a substitute if they cannot get a medication causing dry mouth changed. Humidifiers can help people with dry mouth to sleep better at night, and with better sleep, the overall performance of their immune system should improve.
Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit BayberryDentalCare.com and fill out a contact sheet.
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