Bayberry Dental Care

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Inlays/Onlays are partial crowns that are used to restore appearance and functionality to a tooth. If you are self-conscious of your smile, these restorative devices can help. The inlays/onlays attach to the base of your individual teeth. They help when the biting surfaces of your teeth are damaged. Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care, located in Tinley Park, IL., offers inlays/onlays to our patients.


The main difference between a patient receiving an inlay or an onlay depends entirely on the severity of the tooths decay. If a tooths cusp has no damage, an inlay is used. If there is damage, an onlay is needed. Onlays extend onto the chewing surface in order to replace one or more of the cusps. Inlays are just bonded directly onto the tooth.


Your inlay(s)/onlay(s) can be made of porcelain, gold, or composite resin. Porcelain is the most common and popular due to its strength and color. Porcelain blends more with the natural shading of your teeth.


The complete process will take between 2-3 appointments. Dr. Falsey will first remove the decayed areas of the tooth. To make sure that the inlay/onlay will fit, an impression of your tooth will be taken. This will be sent to a dental laboratory to create your restorative device. A temporary sealant will be placed on the tooth in the meanwhile. At your second appointment, Dr. Falsey will remove the sealant. The inlay/onlay will be placed to make sure it fits. If it is, it will be bonded to the tooth.


Bayberry Dental Care is located in Tinley Park, IL. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Falsey, visit our website or call 708-802-8300.

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