Bayberry Dental Care

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Benefits of Panoramic X-rays

Proper treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis, which is why we’re proud to offer advanced image testing at Bayberry Dental Care. The Panorex, or panoramic x-ray, is an important tool for investigating the spread of infections, monitoring the integration of implants, and detecting cysts and infections in the jaw bone or sinus cavity. It requires little preparation from the patient, but we want them to know what to expect.

The panoramic x-ray is taken with a circular device that rotates around the patient’s head. No film is placed inside the patient’s mouth; instead they will simply bite on a bite-blocker while the image is being taken. This takes less than twenty seconds. Getting x-rays may not be advisable for a patient who is pregnant, but a Panorex is safe for almost anyone else. Patients will simply need to remove their jewelry, glasses, and any other metal objects from their head and neck and cover themselves with a lead apron.

The image produced by the Panorex is digital, allowing us to use it with our office software to identify problem areas and model future changes, such as the emergence of wisdom teeth. This also allows us to coordinate more easily with a patient’s orthodontist or oral surgeon. The Panorex does not provide a clear view of soft tissues, but it can allow us to detect when a patient needs a referral for more extensive testing.

Kathleen M. Falsey, D.D.S., operates Bayberry Dental Care at 8014 West 171st St, Tinley Park, Illinois, 60477. To schedule an appointment, call 708-802-8300 or visit Bayberry Dental Care and fill out a contact sheet.


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