Ankyloglossia, commonly known as Tongue-Tied, is a medical condition that appears at birth. Dr. Kathleen Falsey of Bayberry Dental Care can help new parents with a diagnosis and treatment. It’s apparent almost right away if a baby is tongue-tied. A newborn will struggle to eat, swallow, and breastfeed. Without quick intervention, the child will struggle to thrive. Contact our office in Tinley Park, IL, to schedule an appointment.
First things first, you need to understand what exactly this condition is. The tip of the tongue is connected to the floor of the mouth through a strand of tissue called the frenulum. When a baby is tongue-tied, the frenulum is either too thick or short. Every human needs its tongue to eat. Babies need their tongue to properly breastfeed. Without a tongue that functions properly, they can’t suck or swallow milk. A tongue-tied baby will stop gaining weight and meeting milestones. They’ll eventually stop eating, latching, or even bonding with their mother. You’ll also notice problems with their indigestion and sleep schedule.
The nursing mother is also greatly affected. Many physical problems come with nursing a tongue-tied infant. It is a very painful process. The mother’s nipples become damaged, chapped, and prone to bleeding. With severe cases, the milk ducts are blocked, distorting the nipples. Many mothers experience both mental and physical anguish.
Your Tinley Park, IL, dentist offers treatment. The best thing to do is to remove the unnecessary tissue. This is a quick procedure with a surgical laser. If Dr. Falsey doesn’t perform this in-office, she can always recommend someone for you.
Dr. Kathleen Falsey is a top-tier dentist in the Tinley Park, IL, area. To schedule an appointment with Bayberry Dental Care, call 708-802-8300 or visit
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