Bayberry Dental Care

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Help Nervous Kids Relax at the Dental Office

Some kids love going to the dentist and some are fearful of it. For those kids who fear dental appointments, parents often wonder how to make their child feel more at ease. At Bayberry Dental Care in Tinley Park, IL, we want all of our patients to feel comfortable; patients both big and small. Take some of our tips for easing dental anxiety in kids.

Pretend Dental Visits

By pretending to be the “dentist” at home, your child will feel more comfortable in our office. Try having them lean back in a chair or on a couch while you count their teeth. This will help them know what to expect while in the real dental chair.


Start Them Young

Not only does starting kids’ dental visits young help them feel more comfortable in our office, it is actually necessary! Kids should start seeing the dentist as soon as they grow in their first tooth or by the age of one. The younger they start, the more familiar they will feel with the appointments.


Reward Good Behavior

Giving your child praise or a reward after good behavior at a dental appointment is a good way to reinforce positive feelings. Take them to a park, let them pick a movie to see, or make their favorite dinner afterward. Be sure to offer the reward after the dental appointment, because you do not want to offer it before, making them feel like there is something to be afraid of. The next time they go to the dentist, they will associate a good appointment with your praise.


Kids may feel nervous about dental appointments, but there are ways to help them relax. To schedule your family’s appointments at Bayberry Dental Care here in Tinley Park, IL, call our office at (708) 802-8300. More information about us can be found on our website,

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